Découvir la vue du balcon yaw: 149.716 pitch: -0.644 zoom: 75 General Scenes 6 Hotspots 2 Preview Get Code Load From File Save To File Hotspot 1 | Vers la chambre Hotspot 2 | Découvir la vue du balcon Yaw Pitch Set common hotspot settings. Hotspot Settings Set title for selected hotspot. Specify the ID of the scene to link to. Go to the scene Set a hotspot image, otherwise the plugin uses a theme icon. Image This lets you connect a hotspot to an internet address. Open url in new window Advanced Options Set common hotspot popover settings. Popover Settings Enable/disable hotspot popover window. Popover Content Set content for a popover window. Advanced Options Popover Placement Set a placement property for a popover window. Popover Custom Width (px)
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